Mensah, J. (2002), Black Canadians: History, Experience, Social Conditions (Halifax: Fernwood Publishing), (Listed in Quill & Quire’s Books for Everybody, Fall 2002), 292 pages. |
Revised (2nd) Edition of Black Canadians (2010), 293 pages.
Black Canadians Second Edition |
Mensah, J. (ed.). (2008) Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa: Contestations on the Embattled Continent. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), 278 pages. |
Mensah, J. (ed.) (2006) Understanding Economic Reforms in Africa: A Tale of Seven Nations (Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hants UK: Palgrave Macmillan), 292 pages. |
Osei Prempeh; Mensah, J. and Adjibolosoo, S. (eds.) (2004) Globalization and the Human Factor: Critical Insights, (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing), 192 pages. |
- Mensah, J. and Adjibolosoo, S. (1998). Demographic Profile of African Immigrants in the Lower Mainland of BC. A monograph prepared for the British Columbia Ministry Responsible
- Adjibolosoo, S. and Mensah, J (1998). The Provision of Settlement Services to African Immigrants in the Lower Mainland of BC. A monograph prepared for the British Columbia Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration (Vancouver: Community Liaison Division) (68 p.).
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- Mensah, J. (2015). “The Black, continental African presence and the nation-immigration dialectic in Canada” Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. Vol 20, Issue 4-5, pp 279-298. DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2014.997200. (20 pages)
- Mensah, J. and Williams, C. J. (2015). “Seeing/being double: how African immigrants in Canada balance their ethno-racial and national identities.” African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 8, Issue 1: 39-54.
- Mensah, J. (2015). “Globalization and New Christian Geographies in Africa: A Cautionary Optimism amidst Growing Afropessimism.” In Eunice Sahle (ed). Globalization and Socio-Cultural Processes in Contemporary Africa New York: Palgrave Macmillan) (Chapter 4).
- Agyei-Mensah, S.; Yaro, J.; Mensah, J. 2014. “Change and continuity in the practice and development of Geography in Ghana” In Samuel Agyei-Mensah, S. et al., (eds.) Changing Perspectives on Social Sciences in Ghana (Heidelberg: Springer Publication) pp 51-74.
- Mensah, J. (2014). “Black continental African identities in Canada: Exploring the intersections of identity formation and immigrant transnationalism.” Journal of Canadian Studies. 48. Number 3. p5-29.
- Barimah, K.B. and Mensah, J. (2013). “Ghana’s National Health Insurance: insights from members, administrators, and health care providers.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Vol. 24 #3, pp 438-455.
- Mensah, J. 2014 “The global financial crisis and access to health care in Africa” Africa Today 60, No. 3 (Spring), pp. 34-54.
- Frempong, G., Ma, X., and Mensah, J. (2012). “Access to post-secondary education: can schools compensate for socio-economic disadvantage?” Higher Education 63. DOI 10.1007/s10734-011-9422-2. pp. 19-32
- Mensah, J. Williams, C.J., & Aryee, E. (2012) “Gender, power, and religious transnationalism among the African diaspora in Canada.” African Geographical Review, 31. No. 2. Doi: 10.1080/1937 6812.2012.734249 pp. 1-14
- Mensah, J. and Williams, C.J. (2013). “Ghanaian and Somali immigrants in Toronto’s rental market: a comparative cultural perspective of housing issues and coping strategies” Canadian Ethnic Studies 45, No. 1-2, pp 125-51
- Mensah, J. Williams, C. J. (2013). “Cultural dimensions of African immigrant housing in Toronto: a qualitative insight.” Housing Studies Vol. 29, # 3 1-18:
- Mensah, J. (2010) “The Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme and the Health Care Needs of Ghanaians.” In Korbla Puplampu and Wisdom Tettey (eds), The Public Sphere and the Politics of Survival: Voice, Sustainability and Public Policy in Ghana (Accra: Woeli Publishing Service), pp. 163-181.
- Mensah, J. and Bridi, R. (2010). “Canadian Immigration under Conditions of Globalization and Transnationality.” In Timothy P. McCauley and Janice Hill (eds.) Canadian Society: Global Perspective (Whitby, ON: de Sitter Publications) p. 167-189.
- Roger Koranteng and Joseph Mensah (Dec. 2010), “Selecting Governance Indicators.” In Jones-Parry (ed.), Commonwealth Good Governance: Developing Capacity in the Public Sector (London: The Commonwealth Secretariat and Nexus Strategic Partnerships) pp. 14-20.
- Mensah, J. Oppong, J.R.; and Schmidt, C. M. (2010) “Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme in the Context of the Health MDGs: An Empirical Evaluations Using Propensity Score Matching” Health Economics. Vol 19, Issue SI, page 95-106.
- Mensah, J. (2009) “Doing Religion” Overseas: The Characteristics and Functions of Ghanaian Immigrants Churches in Toronto, Canada” Societies Without Borders: Human Rights and the Social Science. Volume 4, pp. 21-44.
- Mensah, J; Oppong, J.R; and Schmidt, Christoph M., (2009). Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme RUHR Economics Papers # 157 Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Department of Economics, Bochum, Germany (20 pages).
- Mensah, J. & Firang, D. (2009) “The African Diaspora in Montréal and Halifax: A Comparative Overview of the Entangled Burdens of Race, Class, and Space.” In J.W. Frazier; J.T. Darden; and NF Henry (eds.). The African Diaspora in the United States and Canada at the Dawn of the 21st Century (Binghamton, NY: Global Academic Publishing), pp. 59-72.
- Mensah, J. (2008) “The African Immigrant Church and the Settlement and Integration of Africans in Canada: Preliminary Observations” Direction: Research and Policy on Eliminating Racism Canadian Race Relation Foundation. Vol. 4 No. 2 Winter, p. 83-88.
- Mensah, J. (2008) Religious transnationalism among Ghanaian immigrants in Toronto: A binary logistic regression analysis” The Canadian Geographer Vol. 52. no. 3, p. 309-330.
- Mensah, J. (2008). “Introduction: Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa” In J. Mensah (ed.) Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa: Contestations on the Embattled Continent” (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 1-14.
- Mensah, J. (2008). “Africa and the Political Economy of Time-Space Compression and Space of Flows: Unfashionable Observations” In J. Mensah (ed) In J. Mensah (ed.) Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa: Contestations on the Embattled Continent” (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 113-134.
- Mensah, J. and Oppong-Koranteng Roger (2008). “Neoliberalism Globalization and Africa: Recurrent Themes and A Way Forward” In J. Mensah (ed.) Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa: Contestations on the Embattled Continent” (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 267-270
- Mensah, J. & Firang, D. (2007). “The Heterogeneity of Blacks in Ontario and the Racial Discrimination Boomerang” Our Diverse Cities/Nos diverses cités, No. 4, Fall, p. 20-25.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Cultural dimensions of globalization in Africa: A dialectical interpenetration of the local and the global” Studies in Political Economy. Vol. 77 (Spring), pp. 57-83 [Reproduce in J. Mensah (ed., 2008), Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa: Contestations on the Embattled Continent” (New York: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 33-54.
- Mensah, J. & Aidoo, R. (2006) “Economic Community of West African States: Achievements and Problems” In Kwadwo Konadu-Agyemang and Kwamina Panford (eds.) Africa’s Development in the 21st Century: Pertinent Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges (Aldershot: Ashgate), pp. 89-108.
- Mensah, J. (2004-2006) “Official multiculturalism in Canada: A critique of prevailing criticism” International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations, Vol. 4., p. 1139-1149; online version at:
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Introduction: Understanding Economic Reforms in Africa” (pp.1-15); “Early Reformers: Introduction” (p.19-21); “Late Reformers: Introduction” (pp167-170); “Conclusion: Bringing it all together” (pp.269-275) in MENSAH, J. (ed.) Understanding Economic Reforms in Africa: A Tale of Seven Nations (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire & New York: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2006).
- Mensah, J.; Oppong-Koranteng, R.; Frempah-Yeboah, K. (2006). Understanding Economic Reforms: The Case of Ghana in Mensah, J. (ed). Understanding Economic Reforms in Africa: The Tale of Seven Nations (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire & New York: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2006) pp. 106-130.
- Edwards, R; Wu, S.C; Mensah, J. (2005) “City Profile: Georgetown, Guyana” CITIES: International Journal of Urban Policy and Panning, Vol. 22, Issue 6, pp. 446-454.
- Mensah, J. and Fredua-Antoh, E. (2005) “Reflections on women’s indigenous organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa: A comparative study from the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 26(1):82-101.
- Mensah, J. (2005) “On the ethno-cultural heterogeneity of Blacks in our ‘EthniCities’” Canadian Issues, (Spring) pp. 72-77.
- Mensah, J. (2004: Guest Editor) “Human factor theory and practice: An introduction to a critical interrogation” Review of Human Factor Studies [Special Edition] Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 1-6.; and “The human factor framework: A Preliminary synthesis of claims and counterclaims” in the same Volume, pp. 168-184.
- Mensah, J. (2004) “Integrating culture into globalization and development theory: A human factor approach” In E.O.K. Prempeh, J. Mensah, and S. Adjibolosoo (eds.) Globalization and the Human Factor: Critical Insights (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate), pp. 51-66.
- Prempeh, E.O.K; Mensah, J. and Adjibolosoo, S. (2004) “Introduction: The globalization-development debate: the need for a paradigm shift” E.OK Prempeh; J. Mensah; and S. Adjibolosoo (eds.) Globalization and the Human Factor: Critical Insights (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate), p.1-8.
- Mensah, J. & Rupananda, W. (2002), “Exploring the impacts of structural adjustment programs on the provision of selected economic and social services in rural Sri Lanka,” Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development (APJORD) Vol. 12:1 p. 32-51.
- Rupananda, W. & Mensah, J. (2002), “Structural adjustment programs and rural agricultural economy: The case study of the Monaragala District of Sri Lanka,” Regional Development Studies, p. 119-137.
- Mensah, J. & Firang, D. (2000) “The condition of human well-being in Africa: Revisiting the Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).” In Senyo Adjibolosoo (ed.). The Human Factor in Shaping the Course of History and Development. (University Press of America), p.111-135.
- Adjibolosoo, S. & Mensah, J. (1998), “Demographic profile and settlement problems of African immigrants in the Vancouver Metropolitan Area of British Columbia: A human factor assessment,” Review of Human Factor Studies 4:2 p. 32-63.
- Mensah, J. (1997), “Colonialism and human factor degradation in Africa,” Review of Human Factor Studies. 3:1 p. 46-64.
- Mensah, J. (1996), “Treaty negotiations in British Columbia: The utility of geographic information management techniques,” Canadian Journal of Native Studies Vol. 16:1 p.1-14.
- Mensah, J. (1995), “Geography, aboriginal land claims and self-government in Canada,” International Journal of Canadian Studies 12 p.261-275.
- Mensah, J. (1995), “Low income housing, employment opportunities, and perceptions of the urban poor,” Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, TESG, (Journal of Economic and Social Geography) Vol. 86:4 p. 368-381.
- Mensah, J. (1995), “Journey to work and job search characteristics of the urban poor: A gender analysis of a survey data from Edmonton, Alberta,” Transportation: An International Journal Devoted to the Improvement of Transportation Planning and Practice 22 p. 1- 19.
- Mensah, J. (1994), “Gender, spatial constraints, and the employment activities of low income people in a local labour market,” Canadian Journal of Urban Research (CJUR) 3:2 p. 113-133.
- Mensah, J., & Ironside, R.G. (1994). “Employment opportunities of the urban poor: An assessment of the spatial constraints and the mismatch hypothesis.” In J. Andrey and G. Nelson (eds.), Public Issues: A Geographic Perspective. (Waterloo: University of Waterloo Press), p.111-131.
- Oppong, J.R. & Mensah, J (1994) “The Canadian health care system: Lessons from Alberta.” In S.B. Eve; B. Havens; and S.R. Ingman (eds.). The Canadian Health Care System: Lessons for the United States (Denton: University of North Texas Press), 182-201. Also published by the University Press of America under the same article and book titles p.173-192.
- Mensah, J. & Whitney, A.H. (1992) “Urban environmental perception and behaviour in Africa: What gender engenders,” International Journal of Environmental Studies 40 p.141-149.
- Mensah, J. & Whitney, A.H. (1991), “Some Third World environmental perception and behaviour concerning urban waste: A survey of Techiman, Ghana,” The Canadian Geographer 35:2 p. 156-165.
Entries in Major Encyclopedias
- Mensah, J. (2008) “The International Labour Organization (ILO). In Philip A. O’Hare (ed) International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance and Development (Perth, Australia: GPERU), p. 272-283.
- Mensah, J. (2008). “International Monetary Fund (IMF).” In Philip A. O’Hare (ed) International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance and Development (Perth, Australia: GPERU), p. 284-297.
- Mensah, J. (2008) “The World Bank.” In Philip A. O’Hare (ed) International Encyclopedia of Public Policy: Governance and Development (Perth, Australia: GPERU), p. 434-449.
- Mensah, J., (2006) “African Development Bank [ADB].” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, VolI. (London: Routledge), p. 4-6.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Idi Amin.” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. I. (London: Routledge), p 36-37.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Common Market for Eastern and Southern African [COMESA].” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. I. (London: Routledge), p. 369-72.
- Mensah, J. (2006). “Desertification” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World Vol. I. (London: Routledge), p. 452-55.
- Mensah, J. (2006). “Economic Commission for Africa [ECA].” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. I. (London: Routledge), p. 528-530.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS].” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, VolI. (London: Routledge), p.533-37.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Ghana” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. I. (London: Routledge), p. 699-702.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Kenneth Kaunda.” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. II. (London: Routledge), p. 899-891
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Kwame Nkrumah.” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. II. (London: Routledge), p.1145-47.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Organization of African Unity [OAU/AU].” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. III. (London: Routledge), 1202-1205.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Southern African Development Community [SADC].” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. III. (London: Routledge) p. 1470-71.
- Mensah, J. (2006) “Desmond Tutu.” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. III. (London: Routledge) p. 1580-81.
- Mensah, J. (2006). “West Africa: History and Economic Development.” In Thomas Leonard (ed) Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Vol. III. (London: Routledge), p. 1693-98.
- Mensah, J. (2005). “African Development Bank (ADB).” In Tim Forsyth (ed), Encyclopedia of International Development, (London: Routledge), p.6.
- Mensah, J. (2005). “Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).” In Tim Forsyth (ed), Encyclopedia of International Development, (London: Routledge), p.178-89.
- Mensah, J. (2005). “Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).” In Tim Forsyth (ed), Encyclopedia of International Development, (London: Routledge), p.500.
- Mensah, J. (2005). “Race and Racism” In Tim Forsyth (ed), Encyclopedia of International Development, (London: Routledge), p.79-80.
- Mensah, J. (2005), “Alberta.” In Will Kaufman and H.S. McPherson (eds), Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia (London: ABC-CLIO), p.76-77.
- Mensah, J. 2005. “Manitoba.” In Will Kaufman and H.S. McPherson (eds), Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia (London: ABC-CLIO), p.573-574.
- Mensah, J. (2005). “Saskatchewan.” In Will Kaufman and H.S. McPherson (eds), Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia (London: ABC-CLIO) p.868-870.
- Mensah, J. (2005) “Yukon.” In Will Kaufman and H.S. McPherson (eds), Britain and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History: A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia (London: ABC-CLIO) p.1097-1099.
Book Reviews
- Mensah, J. (2007). Review of The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging. Wisdom J. Tettey and Korbla P. Puplampu (eds.) Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 235 pp. New Dawn: Journal of Black Canadian Studies [
- Mensah, J. (2003). Review of Transnationalism and new African Immigration to South Africa, Jonathan Crush and David A. McDonald (eds.). Kingston, Ont.: The South African Migration Project (SAMP) and Canadian Association of African Studies.185 pp. (Book Review) The Canadian Geographer, Vol. 47, No. 3, p. 356-357.
- Mensah, J. (2003). Review of On Borders: Perspectives on International Migration in Southern Africa, David A. McDonald (ed). New York: St. Martin’s Press. 302 pp. The Canadian Geographer, Vol. 47, No. 3, p. 357-358.
- Mensah, J. (2002). Review of Renewing Social and Economic Progress in Africa, Dharam Ghai (ed.) New York: St. Martin’s Press Inc. 324 pp. (Book Review) Progress in Development Studies, Vol. 2: 1 p. 73-74.
- Mensah, J. (2001). Review of Geography of British Columbia: People and Landscapes in Transition, by Brett McGillivray, Vancouver: UBC Press 235 pp. (Book Review) The Canadian Geographer 45:2 p. 330-31.
- Mensah, J. (2000). Review of Prospering Together: The Economic Impact of the Aboriginal Title Settlements in BC, Roslyn Kunin (ed), Vancouver: The Laurier Institute 304 p, The Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Vol. 20:.2 p. 502-503.
Technical/Contract Reports and Other Productions
- Mensah, J.; Oppong, J.R; Barimah, K.B; Frempong, G., and Sabi. W. (2009). An Empirical Evaluation of the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme. A Contract Report Prepared for the Global Development Network and the Gates Foundation.
- Mensah, J. & Oppong, J.R. (2007). Maternity Protection and Health Insurance in Africa: Comparative Overview of Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania. An External Collaboration Report for the Social Security Department of the International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva. Contract No. 40033238/0
- Mensah, J.; Morgan, C.; Charles-Fridal, F.; LOVELL, A.; BARNES-Drummond, D.; and Philbert, L.; (2005) How do Scarborough Black Youth Access the Health Care System? (A Report by the Black Health Alliance (BHA), funded by Wellesley Central Health Corporation). (32 pages).
- Mensah, J. and Adjibolosoo, S. (2000). A Practical Solution to the Urban Waste and Sanitation Problems of Techiman, Ghana. Report prepared for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) (20 p.).
- Adjibolosoo, S. & Mensah, J. (2000). A Handbook of Waste Management in Small and Medium-Sized Cities in Africa. A Manual prepared for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) (32 p.).
- Mensah, J.; Hamilton, K.; Macnamara, D.; Sato, T.; and Moniz-Lecce, S. (2000). Exploring Possibilities: Research at Undergraduate Institutions. Report on the Second Annual British Columbia University Colleges Research Conference (Nanaimo, BC). Prepared for Kwantlen University College, Surrey, British Columbia (23 p.).
External Grants
- April 2010-March 2013: Principal Investigator, SSHRC Standard Research Grant to investigate “African Immigrants in Canada: Balancing National and Ethnoracial Identities in an Era of Accelerated Transnationalism” (File #: 410-2010-2504). Value: $88,120.
- April 2010-June 2011: Principal Investigator, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, External Research Grant, to investigate Ghanaian and Somali Immigrants in Toronto’s Rental Market: A Comparative Cultural Overview of Housing Problems and Coping Strategies. (CR File No.: 6585-M239). Value: $23,473.
- December 2009 – June 2010: Principal Investigator, Commonwealth Secretariat, London. A grant to investigate the Indicators and Measurement of Good Governance in Ghana, (Contract #: CFTC/G/CWG/575: 306346): [with Dr Roger Koranteng] Value: $15,624.
- March 2007- March 2009: Principal Investigator, Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation and the Global Development Network, Global Research Competition Grant to “Evaluate Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme in the Context of the UN Millennium Development Goals in Health.” [with George Frempong, JR Oppong, Kofi Bobi-Barimah, and William Sabi] Value: $170,000
- October –December 2007: Principal Investigator, Social Security Department, International Labour Organization (ILO) Contract to produce an external collaborative report on Maternity Protection and Health Insurance in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania. Contract No: 40033238/0 [with Dr. JR. Oppong] Value: US$21,300
- April 2005-April 2008: Principal Investigator, SSHRC Standard Research Grant to investigate The Dialectics of Transnational Religious Practices and Identities: The Case of Ghanaian Immigrants in Toronto Value = $84,905.
- June, 2005, Co-Principal Investigator, Wellesley Central Health Corporation Grant to investigate How Scarborough Black Youth Access the Health Care System [with the Black Health Alliance of Toronto—C. Morgan, F. Charles-Fridal, A Lovell, D. Barnes-Drummond, L. Philbert] Value = $10,000.
- February 2003-March 2005: Principal Investigator, Global Development Network (GDN) Research Grant to lead a three-person team on Ghana’s Case Study on Economic Reform, as part of GDN’s global project on “Understanding Reform” (With Roger Oppong Koranteng of Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and Kwame Frempa-Yeboah of Ghana Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra) Value = $52,873.
- Feb/March 2001: Project Manager, BC Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration. Grant for organizing ethno-racial harmony workshops (on behalf of the International Institute for Human Factor Development), Value = $5,000.
- Principal Investigator, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Award for Canadians 1999, administered by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) to study the Urban Waste Problem of Techiman, Ghana. (With Dr. Senyo Adjibolosoo of TrinityWestern University, Langley), Value= $10,000.
- April – June 1998: Principal Investigator, Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Immigration, Community Liaison Division, BC. A research contract to examine The Demographic Characteristics and Settlement Service Needs of African Immigrants in Greater Vancouver (With Dr. Senyo Adjibolosoo), Value = $20,000.
Internal Grants
- April 2003-April 2004: SSHRC Institutional Grant Program through York University to examine ECOWAS: Accomplishments and Challenges, with Emphasis on the Geography of Trade. Value: $3,000.
- April 2003: Junior Faculty Grant, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies, to study ECOWAS Value: $1,000.
- Mensah J. 2010 “Assessing the Financial Viability of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme,” A paper presented at Special World Health Organization/Alliance for Health Policy and System Research’s Proposal Development Workshop on Assessing Efforts towards Universal Financial Risk Protection in Low and Middle Income Countries, March 22-26, Monkey Valley Resort, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Mensah, J. and Oppong, JR. 2009. “Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme: Comparing the Socioeconomic and Health Characteristics of Women Members and Non-Members” A paper presented to the XIIIth International Symposium in Medical Geography, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, July 12-17.
- Mensah, J. 2009 Evaluating a National Health Insurance Scheme through Quasi-Experimentation. A paper presented at the Annual Conferences of the Canadians Association of Geographers, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, May 26-30.
- Mensah, J. 2009. Organizer and Presenter, Research Dissemination Workshop on “Promoting Innovative Programs from the Developing World: Towards Realizing the Health MDGs in Africa and Asia,” sponsored by the Global Development Network and the Gates Foundation, Alisa Hotel, Accra, Ghana, July 6-7.
- Mensah, J. 2009. “Gender and Religion in the Context of the African Diaspora in Canada: Emerging themes from a Study of Ghanaian Immigrant Churches.” A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, May 4-7.
- Mensah, J. and Oppong JR. 2009. “Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme and the Health MDGs: An Empirical Evaluation with Propensity Score Matching.” A paper presented as part of a special session on ‘Environment and Health: Lessons Learned from Diseases and Intervention Programs in Africa’ at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Las Vegas, Nevada, Wed. March 25.
- Oppong, JR and Mensah, J. 2009. “Maternity Protection and Health Insurance in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania.” A paper presented as part of a special session on ‘Environment and Health: Lessons Learned from Diseases and Intervention Programs in Africa’ at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), Las Vegas, Nevada, Wed. March 25.
- Mensah, J. and Oppong, JR. 2009, “An Evaluation of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Schemes: Major Findings.” A paper presented as part of GDN Workshop on Global Health, York Royal Hotel, York, United Kingdom, January 15-19, 2009.
- Mensah, J. 2008. “Methodological Considerations and Preliminary Findings: Evaluating the Ghana National Health Insurance Scheme” A paper presented to the 9th Annual Global Development Conference, Workshop # 8: Promoting Innovative Programs from Developing World: Towards Realizing the health MDGs in the Africa and Asia, Citigate Sebel Hotel, Brisbane, Australia. January 29-February 2.
- Mensah, J. 2008.Organizer, Presenter, Symposium on Ghanaian Immigrant Churches in Toronto” York University, Toronto,October 24, 2008.
- Mensah, J. Williams, C. and Aryee, E. 2008. “Gender, Religious Transnationalism and the African Diaspora in Canada” A paper presented at a Conference on Transnationalism and the African Diaspora in Canada, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, November 6-9, 2008.
- Mensah, J and Oppong, JR. “Empirical Evaluation of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Schemes” Paper presented at the Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI), Essen, Germany (upon a special invitation by Professor Christoph Schmidt, President of RWI) August 3-8, 2008.
- Mensah, J. 2007. Invited Presenter, A Workshop on Health Research Methodology, Organized by the Global Development Network, Cairo, Egypt, August 8-13th, 2007.
- Frempong, G; Mensah, J; and MA XIN “Access to Postsecondary Education: Can Quality Schools Compensate for Socioeconomic Disadvantage?” A paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economic Association (CEA), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June1-3, 2007.
- Mensah, J. and Frempong, G. 2007. “Propensity Score Matching and the Evaluation of Health Insurance Schemes.” A paper presented at a special invited workshop in conjunction with Global Development Network’s 5th Annual Global Research on Health, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI), Essen, Germany, May 11-13, 2007.
- Mensah, J. “Doing Religion Overseas: The Characteristics and Social Functions of Ghanaian Immigrant Churches in Toronto, Canada” A paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers’ (AAG) Conference, San Francisco, California, April 17-21, 2007. I also chaired a special session on Christian Missions and Christians Overseas, sponsored by the Geography of Religions and Belief Systems Specialty Group and the African Specialty Group in conjunction wit my presentation.
- Mensah, J. “An Evaluation of Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme in the Context of the Health Millennium Development Goals.” A paper presented at a Special Workshop at the 8th Annual Global Development Conference, Beijing, China,January 13-19, 2007.
- Mensah, J. “Transnational Religious Practices and Identities among Ghanaian Immigrants in Toronto: A Preliminary Commentary.” A paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers (AAG), Chicago IL, March 7-11, 2006.
- Mensah, J. “Employment equity in Canada: A government program under siege,” A paper presented to the 5th Annual International Conference in Organization, Communities and Nations, Beijing, China, June 30 to July 3, 2005.
- Mensah, J. “Cultural dimensions of globalization in Africa: A dialectical interpenetration of the local and the global.” A paper presented at Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Denver, Colorado, April 6-10, 2005.
- Mensah, J. “Official Multiculturalism in Canada: Critique of Prevailing Criticism.” A paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Diversity in Organization, Communities and Nations, UCLA, Los Angeles.July 6-9, 2004.
- Chaired a conference session on “A Conceptual Dialogue with Data,” Gender & Work Database Conference, York University, Toronto, September 30 to October 2, 2004.
- Mensah, J. & Aidoo, R. (2004) “Regional Economic Integration and Development: The ECOWAS Experience.” A paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers at Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, May 25 – 29.
- Mensah, J. (2004) “Insights into Ghana’s Structural Adjustment Programs.” A paper presented at the 5th Annual Global Development Conference, New Delhi, India, January 24 - 30.
- Mensah, J. (2003). “Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): Achievements, Problems and Prospects.” A paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), New Orleans, LA; March 5 - 8.
- Mensah, J. (2003) “Understanding Reform: The Case of Ghana.” A paper presented at the 4th Annual Global Development Conference, Cairo, Egypt, January 14 - 21.
- Mensah, J. and Fredua-Antoh, E. (2001) “Mobilizing Indigenous Women in Sub-Sahara Africa: Women’s Organizations in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana.” A paper presented at the Western Conferences of Canadian Association of Geographers (WCAG), University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, March 8 - 10.
- Mensah, J. (1998), “The Condition of Human Well-being in Africa: Revisiting the Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).” A paper presented at the Western Conferences of Canadian Association of Geographers (WCAG), KwantlenUniversityCollege, Surrey, BC, March 12 - 14.
- Mensah, J. (1998), “Community, Territoriality, and the City: Reasserting the Significance of Space in Social Discourse.” A Paper Presented to the Biennial Meeting of the Western Association of Sociology and Anthropology, hosted by Kwantlen University College at the Coast Plaza Hotel, Vancouver, BC, May 15 - 16, (Chaired of a session on Spatial Approaches to Community and Security).
- Mensah, J. (1993). “Location of Low Income Housing and Employment Opportunities: An Edmonton Case study.” A Paper Presented to the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers, CarletonUniversity, Ottawa, Ontario, May 30 - June 8.
- Mensah, J. and Oppong, J.R. (1993), “The Canadian Health System: Lessons from Alberta for the United States.” A Paper Presented to the Conference on the Canadian Health Care System: Lessons for the United States held at the University of North Texas Health Science Centre, Fort Worth, Texas, April 2.
- Mensah, J. and Ironside, R.G. (1992), “Spatial Constraints and Employment Opportunities of the Urban Poor: An Assessment of the Mismatch Hypothesis.” A paper presented to the Canadian Association of Geographers, Annual Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, May 20 – 24.
- Mensah, J. and Owusu, F.Y. (1991), “Migration and Regional Development in Africa: The Case of the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana.” A paper presented to the Canadian Association of Geographers, Annual Conference, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, June 3 - 8.
Special Presentation to Professional Organizations/Participations in Workshops
- Mensah, J. 2009. One of two Presenters, Atkinson-Arts Workshop on Non-Tri-Council Funding for the Social Sciences, Wednesday, April 22 York University. TEL 2114.
- Mensah, J. 2009. One of seven participants, Roundtable Discussion on Social Justice with York University’s Chancellor Roy McMurtry, Engaging Research, Atkinson Research Celebration Day, Tuesday, April 14, 2009, CIBC Lobby, Accolade East.
- Mensah, J. 2009. Theorizing/Methodizing Place under Conditions of Tansnationality and Deterritorialization. A presentation to a Special Roundtable on Theorizing/Methodizing Place,” organized by Kevin Dejesus for the at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, May 27.
- Mensah, J. “Mobilizing African Diaspora for Development: The Case of Ghanaian Immigrants in Canada.” World Bank Institute Video-Conference, YorkUniversity Site, Lead Presenter, Toronto,Tuesday May, 24, 2005.
- Mensah, J. Convener, “Race, Place and Communities under Pressure.” CERIS Grad Students’ Symposium, (Roundtable Discussion), McLaughlinCollege, YorkUniversity, Toronto, November 10, 2005.
- Mensah, J. 2007. Conference Rapporteur and Participant. “Leadership, Learning Institutes and Public Services.” A Conference of the Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM), at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Accra, Ghana. November 7-9,
- Mensah, J. Invited Participant in a Special Conversation on Canadian Multiculturalism Act, organized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, as part of 9th National Metropolis Conference, Upper Canada Room, Royal York Hotel, Toronto,4th March, 2007. Contact person: John Biles.
- Mensah, J. Invited Participant, African Canadian Social Development Council (ACSDC) Continental African Canadian Community Research and Policy Forum, 215 Spidana Ave.Toronto, April 21, 2007.
- Mensah, J. Invited Presenter, A Workshop on Finding Funding Beyond the Tri-Councils, Organized by the Atkinson Research Office, York University, Toronto, Tuesday, July 10, 2007.
- Mensah, J. Invited Participant, World Bank Institute’s roundtable discussion on an action plan on Mobilizing African Diaspora for Development, at the World Bank, Washington, DC. June 20-21, 2005 (I chaired a session on “Strengthening Donor Partnership with the African Diaspora).
- Keynote Speaker on Africa and the Political Economy of Time-Space Compression: An Overview of Emerging Trends at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), Faculty Presentation Series, School of Governance, Leadership and Public Management, April 10, 2008.
- Keynote Speaker on Postmodernism and Philosophies Underlying Social Science Research, Inter-Faculty Lectures, CatholicUniversityCollege of Ghana, Fiapre, Sunyani, Thursday, April 3, 2008. This same topic was presented, upon invitation, at the Ghana Institute for Statistical, Social, and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, on April 8, 2008.
- Guest Speaker on Blacks in Canada, for the Edmonton Public Library’s Celebration of Black History Month, Saturday, February 22, 2003.
- Guest Speaker on The Black Presence in Canada, at the University of Alberta (U of A). Upon the invitation of U of A’s Black Students Association, Saturday, February 22, 2003.
- Guest Speaker on Race-related Issues in Canadian Education, Vancouver School Board, at Winston Churchill Secondary, Vancouver, Thursday, February 20, 2003.
- Keynote Speaker on Blacks in Canada, for the Vancouver Public Library’s celebration of Black History Month, at the Vancouver Public Library, Wednesday, February 19, 2003.
- Guest Speaker on The Black Presence in Canada: A General Overview, York University Black Students’ Alliance (YUBSA) at Senate Chambers, YorkUniversity. February 12, 2003
- Luncheon Keynote Speaker “Exploring the Links between Employment Equity and Black Education,” 2nd Education Summit of the Council on African Canadian Education, Halifax Citadel Hotel. November 27-28, 2002.
- Guest Speaker on Canadian Immigration, Queen Elizabeth High School, Halifax, Friday, November 29, 2002.
- Invited Public Presentation on “Black Immigration in Canada” at Halifax North Memorial Public Library, organized by the Halifax Regional Library (HRL), November 30, 2002.
- Invited Public Presentation on Black Canadians: Outlining the African Canadian Experience, 4th Annual Leftwords Festival of Books and Ideas, New College, University of Toronto, November 3, 2002.
- Book Launch on Black Canadians at Victory Café, Toronto, organized by “A Different Booklist” (Bookstore), October 24, 2002.
- Guest Speaker on The Debt Crisis in the Developing World: Cause, Consequences, and Possible Solutions, Department of Economics, Trinity Western University, Langley, BC. April 14, 2000.
Editing & Peer Reviews for Reputable Publishers and Funding Agencies
- Editorial Board Member, Society Without Borders, since October 2006
- Editorial Board Member, New Dawn: The Journal of Black Canadian Studies, since Feb. 2005.
- Blind review of an article for Progress in Development Studies (August 2009)
- Blind review of an article for GRF: Geography Research Forum (April 2009)
- Blind review of an article for the Journal of International Migration and Integration (March 2009)
- Blind review of an article for the Norwegian Journal of Geography (February 2008)
- Blind review of an article for Canadian Review of Social Policy (October, 2007)
- Funding Application Assessor for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) on “Promised Land: The Freedom Experience of Blacks in Chatham and Dawn Settlements” SSHRC Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) Program, March-April, 2007.
- Blind review of a book proposal on “Contesting domination through resistance: Africa’s cultural resistance challenges capitalist globalization” for Ashgate Publishing, UK.
- Reviewed of a book manuscript on The African Diaspora in Canada: Negotiating Identity and Belonging, for the University of Calgary Press, Calgary.
- Reviewed a book proposal on “The Organization and Experience of Work” for Pearson Education Canada, November 2003.
- Reviewed Human Geography: Landscape of Human Activities. A textbook by Fellmann, J D.; Getis, A.; and Getis, J. for McGraw-Hill Publishers (2001)
Media Interview, Production, and Write-ups
- Mensah, J. (2006). Producer: Religious Transnationalism among Ghanaian Immigrants in Toronto, A 30-minute Audio-Visual (DVD) Documentary, Produced with Funding from the Social Science Humanities Research Council of Canada.
- “National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) beneficiaries are better off,” a write-up on my ongoing research on Ghana NHIS in a leading national newspaper, the Ghanaian Times, Thursday July 9, 2009, page 22, following a dissemination workshop in Accra.
- Radio Interview on “Neoliberalism and Globalization in Africa” o CHRY Fm105.5 YorkUniversity, Toronto; 1-2pmSunday 1st Feb. 2009. Interviewed by Ryan William.
- Windspeaker newspaper interview (forthcoming February 2005) monthly newspaper published by the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta (Interviewed by Jennifer Chung).
- WJAB Radio in New York; panel discussion (via phone) on The Similarities and Differences between the Black Experiences in Canada and the United States, for “Different Perspective,” co-ordinated by Douglas Turner; November 3, 2003 (12 noon, CST).
- CBC Radio in Montreal, Quebec, interviewed on Racism against Blacks in Canada for “the Afternoon Show”. Interviewed by Anne Lagace-Dawson, October 22, 2003.
- CKUT Radio, McGillUniversity, interviewed on the History and Experience of Blacks in Canada; recorded on October 23, 2003.
- Shaw Cable TV, Channel 4, interviewed on The History of Blacks in Canada for “the Fanny Kiefer Show,” North Vancouver, Studio 4, on Thursday, February 20, 2003, live at 9:00 am.
- CBC Radio 6.90 am (Vancouver), interviewed on Black Canadians by Kathryn Gretsinger at 2pm and aired on the “Afternoon Show” at 4:30 pm, Wednesday, February 19, 2003.
- i channel tv (digital cable TV channel 67 in Toronto), interviewed on The History and Present Social Conditions of Blacks in Canada for “@ issue with Bill Cameron” on Feb. 7, 2003, 11:25 am.
- CBC Radio (99.1 Fm, Toronto), interviewed on Blacks in the Canadian Labour Market, by Ms. Avril Benoit on January 31, 2003, at 2:30 pm; aired on “Here and Now” on Feb. 3, 2003 (4:00 to 6:00 pm).
- CBC Radio (90.5 Fm) interviewed on Racial Profiling for Maritime Noon. Interviewed by Costas Halavrezos at Halifax, Wednesday, November 27, 2002.
- CKDU Radio, roundtable discussion on Racial Problems of Blacks in Canada, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Wednesday, November 27, 7:00- 8:30 pm.
- Chronicle Herald, Halifax, interviewed on Black Canadians, (Friday November 30, 2002) by Chad Lucas (for a front page article entitled Author’s research confirms suspicions on racism, Halifax Chronicle, Sunday December, 1, 2002)
- CHRY Radio (YorkUniversity); interviewed on Blacks in Canadian Society. December 20, 2002, 9:15- 10:00 am; interviewed by Clive Graham.
- CBC Radio (Toronto, 99.1 Fm), interviewed on Blacks and the Canadian Labour Market, in celebration of Black History Month; interviewed by Ms. Avril Benoit on January 31, 2003 and aired on “Here and Now” on Feb. 2, 2003 (4:00 – 6:00 pm).